Carlisle Medical’s services are engineered for the workers’ compensation industry. Each service ultimately ensures that injured workers receive the best care available while providing reduced costs for our clients. Your company, together with Carlisle Medical, can truly Make A Difference.
Retail Pharmacy Network
Injured workers will have fast access to over 70,000 pharmacies while providing cost-efficient control for employers.
Home Delivery Pharmacy
Nationwide home delivery program designed to provide significant savings over retail pharmacies.
Durable Medical Equipment, Tens & Devices, Medical Supplies & Wound Care
Nationwide delivery of high-quality durable medical equipment at a lower cost compared to usual and customary charges.
Case Management Prescription Review
A comprehensive clinical review of an injured workers drug therapy to identify more cost-effective treatment options.
Case Management
Cost-effective methods to facilitate an injured worker’s timely return to gainful employment.

Telephonic Case Management
Telephonic Case Management (TCM) Removes Geographical Restrictions And Offers The Flexibility Of Nationwide Outreach.

Utilization Services
A combination of useful workers’ compensation services designed to ensure the best care available.
Senior Living and Rehab
Providing critical DME solutions for Fall Prevention, Pressure Reduction, Safe Patient Handling, Infection Control, and Bariatric Care.