Home Delivery Pharmacy
Carlisle Medical’s Home Delivery Pharmacy Program manages prescription costs while providing the appropriate medication for workers’ compensation claims. Carlisle Medical pharmacists fill all prescriptions, ensuring quality and accurate service. This program delivers medications directly to the injured workers’ home within 48 hours at no extra cost to the worker or the employer.
Convenient for catastrophic injuries as well as maintenance medications, the Home Delivery Pharmacy Program provides nationwide service, a significant savings over retail pharmacies, and the elimination of mileage reimbursement among the following additional benefits:
- Enables adjusters to be doctor and drug specific for each injured worker
- Promotes generic medication
- Prevents the dispensing of non-injury related medication
- Offers compounding medication services
- Accepts Electronic Data Transfers (EDT) for most transactions to help further reduce administrative costs for all parties
If you are in need of customer service for an injured worker, please dial 1.800.553.1783. To learn more about how Carlisle Medical can tailor a specific program for your injured workers please call us at 866.936.9840.